Interview Skills


One of iBrand.Me’s staple activities at our professional development workshop is our interview skills activity. In this particular scenario we had two of our attendees interview each other.

Prior to this activity we reviewed the basic skills of giving an interview. We covered how to dress, tone of voice, 30 second pitch etc. The goal is to get students to understand who they are as an individual and what will best work for them to be successful at many different forms of interviewing.

Our attendees always take these interview skills and use them in real life setting and have success. We hope the impact will be the same with our most recent attendees.


7-25-15 Professional Development Workshop

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Please come join iBrand.Me as we will be hosting a professional development workshop for part one of our workshop series in partnership with the African American Museum of Beginnings in Pomona. INForm the teenagers you know ages 14-18 to discuss topics of :

– Putting Your Best Foot Forward

– Interview Skills

– Time Management

– Guest Speaker

Refreshments will be served and prizes for attentive listeners