Teen Summer Jobs


Summer 17′ is right around the corner. The sun will be out and young people will be free from school, with much idle time. Parents often try to find different activities to keep young people active, whether that be tutoring, volunteer programs, or church activities. Another great way to stay busy and teach responsibility is by working.

There are a plethora of jobs to either apply for, or to begin as a personal business venture. Penny Hoarder has an excellent list of jobs in this link, Teen Summer Jobs, this list includes ideas of: babysitter, pet sitter, tutor etc.

Having a summer job teaches financial responsibility and gives a young person accountability. Which is essential to growing in Americas forever changing job force. Youth will also be exposed to interviews and having to have a professional confident demeanor. Many youth struggle with talking about themselves, who they are, and what they love. Jobs give youth opportunities to truly bloom.

If possible, push young people to get a summer job and expand on their personal brand.

Importance of Teenagers Working

Importance of Teenagers Working

Everyone has the story of their first job. Many being from major coroporations such as Macy’s, McDonalds, or chain movie theaters. The idea of having an entry level job is a screeching one to many adults after evolving into the professional realm. But those humble beginnings develop a character than can not be forgotten.

Working during high school or college give a since of responsibility. Learning to be on time, to have excellent customer service skills, and to work in submission to rules that you may not completely agree with. On top of the character building is money management and the ability to spend on bills and leisure activities, and having a healthy balance of them both.

The idea of working in high school or college has dropped since 2000 as stated in the article link above. This could be due to the lack or jobs, or the lack of willingness to work a service job that is not often “ideal” to many. However, the lessons learned through the responsibility make it essential to work young. Building a stronger network and branding oneself as efficiently as possible, this can never be done to early.

The writer of this time magazine article gives some statistics and insight on the importance of working in high school and college.

Importance of Teenager Working, Time Magazine


New Year, New Goals


New Year, New Goals, same dreams, different tactics. 2016 is here and many of you have set new goals to reach. From weight loss, to straight A’s, to financial stability, and many endless goals of pursuing excellence. iBrand.Me lives to inspire people to follow through with your dreams with consistency and a plan.

The following link below is an old but excellent article of tools to stay on track with meeting goals. Many have to do with daily journaling of what you hope to accomplish. Journaling is excellent in that you have a written reflection on how far you have to go and how far you’ve come.  Writing down daily routines gives you a physical checklist to assure that you complete all that you can with the given 24 hours. The most difficult part is staying on track.

Please click the link below and look for ways that you can fulfil those dreams of 2016.

7 Tools to Help Keep Track of Goals